
William Perry Pendley

Profile: An anti-public lands zealot with a history of representing special interests and extremist views. Pro-industry, pro-extremist, and pro-special interests. Doesn’t believe in science, public lands, national monuments, or endangered species. Not afraid to file frivolous lawsuits. Nearly 60 known conflicts of interest and checkered history.

Relevant Past and Experience:

  • 1983-1984: Interior’s Assistant Secretary for Energy and Minerals
  • 1989-2018: Nearly 30 years as President of the anti-public lands front group Mountain States Legal Foundation, specializing in representing extremist groups and filing frivolous lawsuits against the federal government on behalf of special interests and extractive corporations.
    • 1992: Delivered speech at the Heritage Foundation denying there was a hole in the ozone layer, despite scientific facts.
    • Sued the federal government many times over issues that would harm endangered species and roll back public lands protections.
  • June 13, 2016: Penned an opinion on how President Trump was not qualified to fill Ronald Reagan’s boots.
  • July 15th, 2019: Hired by Sec. Bernhardt to be the Deputy Director for Policy and Programs at the Bureau of Land Management.
  • July 29th, 2019: Delegated the authority of Director of the Bureau of Land Management by Sec. Bernhardt.
  • September 30th, 2019: Re-delegated the authority of Director of the Bureau of Land Management by Sec. Bernhardt.